
class MosaicSliderState(initialValue: Float, val range: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float>, disabledRange: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float>, valueDistribution: SliderValuesDistribution) : DraggableState

A compose state for the Slider component Responsible for managing internal properties such as offset value and drag / click behaviours


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constructor(initialValue: Float, range: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float>, disabledRange: ClosedFloatingPointRange<Float>, valueDistribution: SliderValuesDistribution)


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Current value of the slider If value of the slider is out of the range it will be coerced into it If the value of the slider is inside the disabledRange It will be coerced int closes available range that is not disabled


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open override fun dispatchRawDelta(delta: Float)
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open suspend override fun drag(dragPriority: MutatePriority, block: suspend DragScope.() -> Unit)